Info about likely API changes

This section contains info about likely API changes that will happen in the future and how you can make sure to write your code forward compatible

List will become Iterator

Some functions return lists of items, e.g. List[HPOTerm], List[Gene]`, but will change to return an Iterator instead. In most cases, this should not affect how you use the library and you will not notice a difference. It does come with a few restrictions, though:

  1. An iterator is not subsettable: x = iterator[0] will not work

  2. An iterator does not have a length: len(iterator) will not work

If a method indicates that the return type will change to an Iterator you should not subset the result, even if it is a list. Subsetting the results of those functions is not a good idea anyway, because in most cases the order of return items is not guaranteed and might change randomly.

If you ever need to subset such a return type, convert it to a list:

def terms() -> Iterator[HPOTerm]:

# Don't
x = terms()[0]

# Use instead:
x = list(terms())[0]